Saturday, September 27, 2014

Proud Mama Moment....Not so much!

A couple of weeks ago Taylee and I went to Cafe Rio for lunch. She is my little lunch buddy these days while Tryst is at school. She is usually really good too, however, she was in rare form on this particular day and I don't think I have ever turned so many shades of red. Taylee LOVES babies.  All babies, we see them at the store or wherever we go and she wants me to chase down the mom so she can see and talk to the baby... don't worry I don't actually do this.  Anyway, we had just gotten our lunch and sat down to eat when this little girl, I'm going to guess she was just over one, took off from her mom who was waiting in line and came over to talk to Taylee.  The little girl touched Taylee's leg, the girls mom came over and got her daughter and as they walked away from our table  my sweet, sassy, little ginger screams "I HATE THAT STUPID BABY!!!!" 
I wanted to crawl under the table. My face was as red as the tray my food was sitting on and I was completely speechless. As the event flashed back in my mind and I returned to reality. I apologized to the other mother, pulled my 2 year old into my lap and reminded her that we do not say hate or call anyone stupid. She looked up at me smiled her sweetest smile and said okay mama I sorry and wiggled her way off my lap. Her eyes were telling a completely different story. She then proceeded to go squat in the corner and every bit as loudly as before announce that she was pooping. After she finished her business she stood up shouted "I done poopin!" She then proceeded to walk over to the window, push her booty up against it and sway her hips side to side screaming "SQUISH, SQUISH, SQUISH!" I was mortified but could not do anything but laugh at this point. So I grabbed my phone, snapped a pic (a blurry one), dumped our tray, picked up my daughter and left. I think it is safe to say our lunch dates are over for a while.  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Kindergarten and other Shenanigans

"I hate Homework!!!!" That is an everyday phrase we hear around this house now and if truth be told nobody hates homework as much as this mama!!!! Of coarse I can't tell him that:) But seriously it is the longest most painful hour plus of my day! I will say this though the last two days have been better, lets hope it continues from here on out (Fingers, toes and all else crossed). Lets back up, I realize it has been many moons since i have posted anything and I am endeavoring to be better at posting because lets face it I don't write it down anywhere else. We had a very short lived summer it seemed... Mikie worked a ton, the kids and I hung out at the pool! Mikie and I ran away to Hawaii for an entire week and it was AMAZING.  We have never left the kids for more than overnight since Trystan was born. It was soooooo time. The week flew by and Grandma and Grandpa held the fort down at home. I bet the week was much longer for them;) We came home and started getting ready for school. 
Trystan started Kindergarten the end of August!!! First of all I have no idea when my baby got that big!! We knew it was going to be a major adjustment as he is not a fan of being away from his mommy.   And adjustment it has been for sure. Of course this is the third week of school and the first full week of school he has had, but the last three days we have done drop off without tears HOORAY!!!! He does like his class, and he has made some good buddies already which is making actually going easier. He likes his teacher too. She is very cute and tiny... she is two inches shorter than I am!!! That's a rarity and  I love standing next to her! lol. Trystan's best buddy in his class is named Trystin, his mom's name is Bree and his little sister that is just younger than Taylee is named Taylor. Kind of Twilght zone weird, but kinda cool. Taylee asks every five minutes if it is time to go get bubby yet. As much I was dreading all day Kindergarten I am kind of liking it! I love the one on one time with Taylee though she told me she did not like her mommy time:( 
Trystan also started Gymnastics the week school started and he LOVES it! He has better balance than most of the girls in his class. Unfortunately he is the only boy in his class this term. I don't think he minds to much;) Outside of school work and gymnastics he spends probably way to much time playing mind craft but he builds some amazing things on there. I love this sensitive, sweet boy!  and I am so proud of him!

We went to California over Labor Day and took the kids to Legoland and the Beach. Poor Taylee was 1/2 an inch to short to ride anything:( It was a long couple of days for her. But she absolutely LOVED the beach. With the hurricane that was brewing the waves were rough but Trystan loved every minute of it! He loves the boogie board. Taylee tried once with her dad and decided playing in the sand was more her thing. So we chased segals and built sand castles;) I loved watching them both run and play on the beach totally care free. Taylee had some awesome poses:)

 Taylee is getting big fast!! She speaks like a little adult, is a little peanut like her mama, makes the best facial expressions and is moody as all get out!!! She is bossy, stubborn, independent and amazingly sweet. She loves life and doesn't take crap from anybody! I LOVE it:) She loves to help me around the house, loves her baby dolls and animals.  We started swimming lessons the first of September and for now we are in the mommy and me swim class and she is older than all of the other kids by about a year. She loves swimming with the babies though.  She loves to play doctor, color and draw, she also finds great joy in antagonizing her brother to tears.....

Not much new with the hubs and I. Mikie has been working lots of really long hours and weekends and I spend my days chasing the munchkins. Mikie is getting excited to go hunting in November. He drew an elk tag and his dad drew a sheep tag. Needless to say I am certain they are both counting down the days. As for me I am still at the hospital 1 day a week and for now that is PLENTY! I am so excited for fall and cool weather, boots, cozy clothes and pumpkin everything:) 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Flash back of the last 9 months... kind of:/

So I realize it has been close to a year since i last updated the blog.... Shame on me seriously since this is the only place I write anything down:( After school started we went on vacation to San Diego. We had a fantastic time! The kids were great. Taylee even traveled amazing which was a huge surprise because she does not like to be confined in the car. Trystan had been bugging us since I was pregnant with Taylee to go to the beach, so we finally decided it was time! He LOVED it. Taylee not so much:)
 Trystan loved jumping the waves and building sandcastles with his dad.  Taylee hated the ocean, it was too cold and the waves scared her. She hated the sand just as much because it was dirty and stuck to her. Love my girly girl LOL!

 Taylee and I spent most of our time in our little sun tent. she took a nap and I enjoyed just hanging out on the beach watching my boys play. 

 We drove down to Lajoya to see the see lions, but they moved them so instead we listened to our tired kids whine. 
LegoLand was lots of fun and Trystan was actually tall enough to ride most of the rides. Taylee was mad because she was not big enough to ride and really, really wanted to. Mikie and I took turns riding with Trystan.  
 The only family picture from our entire trip! We are all soaked after Trystan made Mikie and I go on a boat ride that ended with a Tidal Wave crashing over us. Mikie was smart after I got drenched and at least took his shoes off before he got on the ride. Mine were so sloshy I ended up buying a pair of flip flops that rubbed a huge blister on the side of my foot. Taylee found the splash pad and was soaked. But we had so much fun. 
 The things made out of lego's were amazing, Yes this Volvo is made entirely from Legos
 Lego Mount Rush More
 And the Sydney Opera House were some of my favorites!
 Then of coarse they have a whole spot that is just star wars, Now I am not a star wars fan but this Darth Vadar, Obi one Kanobi, and Chubacka were pretty cool!

After our trip the holidays were quickly upon us! I think we spent an entire week in our Halloween costumes for different parties and events. I have the cutest little Mini Mouse and Peter Pan that I have ever seen. 
 Trystan had an awesome little Halloween sing at school that was super cute. We are amazed at all that he is learning right now. He is loving school and making friend with some really cute kids.
We had an Awesome wasted visit to the ER with our little princess after she had been running and fever, vomitting and refusing to eat or drink for dehydration. They never got an IV in her, they gave her a breathing treatment for croup (which I had at home) They gave her oral steroids (which I had waiting at the pharmacy for me) and sent us home. Her throat was covered in little blisters. Poor baby. They gave her some versed to relax her so they could get an IV in her, but the nurse took to long to come back in and do the IV. Before she came back the RT gave her the breathing treatment which made her super jittery and irritable. She literally started climbing her dad and counteracted the relaxing effect of the versed. Poor thing tried to walk when we got to grandma's but kept falling and running into things still doped up on medication. 
 All doped up 
 Drinking her water the nurse told me not to give her even though they couldn't get an IV in her
Finally home and resting comfortably.
 This little monkey loves to sit in the tree at grandma's house just like her big brother. We had Thanksgiving with Mikie's family. It was a beautiful day and we loved hanging out with the family!
 Daddy's Girl.
 Mommy's boy. 
Trystan's Christmas sing at school. 
 Niccole and I took the kids to have grandkid pictures done for grandma for christmas and Little Missy cried the ENTIRE time! Trystan on the other hand would stay in front of the camera all Day. 
 Cryin eyes with tears still rolling down her cheeks. I am actually holding her in this picture, they just cropped me out. 
I love that this kid LOVES to get all dressed up! He picked out this outfit for Christmas Eve and looked so stickin handsome!
Then he picked his dad's shirt out so they could be twins! Love my handsome boys! 
 100% Mama's boy though!
 Taylee HATES dresses... yes she is my daughter:) but she looked so beautiful for the hour and a half that it lasted! Though I think we are permanently done with them for a while now. because the last one I put on her she screamed until I took it off! LOL
 Love that these two love one another so much. 
 All dressed up and ready to go. 
For Christmas I gave Mikie 12 months of dates. We have been terrible at date night since we had Trystan, sad I know so I planned a date once a month and arranged for a babysitter. It has been fun so far. He opens an envelope at the beginning of each month to find out what our date night is for that month. In January we went on an overnight getaway to Springdale Utah and hiked Angles Landing. Mikie was running a temp and had horrible bronchitis but was a trooper and made it to the very top with me. If you have hiked it you know its not a leisurly stroll, so kudos to him for doing it feeling like crud. February was my Birthday so I made him take me to a Salsa Dance class, yeah he was so not excited but the class lasted a whole 35 minutes so he survived. I had a lot of fun and would love to learn some more, but I know it was a once in a lifetime thing for mikie, especially since we had to keep switching partners, and he had to partner up with our male teacher a few times:)LOL! March was Date night in, movies and junk food, and This month we are going shooting. Hopefully I will get some pictures from that one.