Saturday, July 13, 2013

St. Geezy Fun!

On Thursday we headed to St. George to play with Grandma and friends and cousins for the day at the splash pad... of coarse we planned this trip on the one day a year it decided to rain in both St. George and Vegas! It rained on me all the way... not just light sprinkles but real honest to goodness rain. 

We met up with Grandma at the Kelder's house in St. George Taylee and Kyle were playing "Boo and Roar" Taylee thought the couches were the best teething object ever! (Sorry Kourtney and Erik) Seriously she usually doesn't eat furniture :)
Even though it was raining we went to the splash pad. We all should have worn our swim suits as we were all SOAKED. The rain only let up briefly for a few minutes here and there. Didn't stop us though we still played for 2 hours!

Trystan was determined this time that he was going to stand in the middle of this fountain and be "shot up" in the air. Annie and Savannah joined him. Trystan was slightly disappointed that he didn't go flying but  loved it anyway. 

Kyle was done and not so sure he wanted to go run through the fountains anymore. Dax had just woke up and was ready to join the fun. 
 Taylee and Grandma
 We were so excited that Jess, Nate and Dax were in town and we got to see them too for a bit! Trystan and Dax are best buddies. We can't wait for miss Kooper to join the craziness in a month and be besties with Miss Tay! 

Random shot of Dax's toes (Picture was not taken on purpose) but so cute. I love little feet!
Thanks again Kourtney for letting us bombard your house for the day and for introducing us to SWIG... I am hooked and seriously craving a sugar cookie right now;)

My Favorite thing....

Is morning snuggles with these two cuties. It's a morning ritual to spend about 20 minutes or so snuggling and watching cartoons every morning. Taylee never lasts longer than that as she feels the need to climb the headboard, dive off my bed head first and play with the printer. These two are so excited to see one another in the morning and are so sweet and happy most mornings. 

 If these two aren't up to some kind of mischief here....hmm I don't know. 
 Taylee doing the "zombie walk" as Trystan calls it. She follows me around the house like this saying "hold me, hold me" She's too cute to resist! 

Skates, Sparks, and Fire Oh My

On the 4th of July it was miserably hot and HUMID for Vegas. We spent the morning trying to figure out what to do and Grandma came up with an idea. We went to the roller skating rink. As a kid I LOVED to roller skate but I have not been on skates for probably 18 years! LOL we had a blast. Trystan loved it and did AMAZING. Taylee was pissed because she couldn't do it and Mikie and I had a great time. It was nice to have Daddy with us. It has been a long summer with him working such crazy hours. Grandma and Aunt Annie had a great time too. 

We had an Incredible sunset for a few nights due to the horrible fire burning up at Mt. Charleston but the sun was magenta and the picture doesn't do it justice.
Then we did Fireworks in the front yard and eveybody came to our house at Trystan's request. He had a blast helping dad light the fire works. Taylee was not so sure and only lasted about 15 minutes before she layed down on the concrete and told me night, night. 

 Grandpa's Girl

 This is the face she made at all the fireworks!!! LOL
 Trystan and his bestie KyKy

 Serious Buissness
The crew

Taylee's First Movie

Trystan has been wanting to see Monster's University for a while so while my mom was here we decided we would all go. I knew it was going to be pretty much a lost cause with Taylee and should have just sent my mom with Trystan and Annie, but we braved it anyway. I hear it was a super cute movie, but I only saw maybe 15-20 minutes of the whole show! At first she sat in her own seat and chowed on M&M's but that only kept her busy for a couple of minutes.
 Then it was out to the Hall for us! Didn't help that it was nap time and my children neither one will fall asleep in my arms :/ Grandma and I tried to take turns but Taylee girl wanted "mama"
Needless to say as much as i loved hanging out with this cutie, it will be a while before we attempt this again! Trystan loved the movie though and was so excited that we went!

Finger Painting

Trystan had been asking me for two days if we could paint, unfortunately this mommy kept leaving the paints in sisters room while she was napping so I got them out and sat them on the kitchen table one afternoon and told him that when sissy went to sleep we would paint. My mom and Annie arrived at the house and Trystan took it upon himself to get the paints all out and decided he was no longer waiting for me to paint. He made a ton of pictures, his sister decided she wanted to paint too and painted her head purple. Trystan then decided he was going to paint with his hands and feet at the same time so he got paint on his hands and wiped them on his feet but forget he was standing on the kitchen chairs which are covered in a cream colored fabric. Rock on! Seriously though they made some great pictures and had a lot of fun. He actually used his fingers for the first time so I was impressed he usually wants cotton balls and q-tips to paint with. Taylee even used her hands... though she couldn't handle them being dirty for long! Love these cute kids!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Last week we played with vinegar and baking soda. The two combined form the gas carbon dioxide which will blow up a balloon attached to a water bottle or erupt out of a glass like a volcano. Trystan loved it!!! Taylee loved the balloons and was pretty patient while Trystan and I were experimenting.
 Trystan blew up one balloon and we compared the difference between the balloons blown up with our air versus the balloons blown up by the baking soda and carbon dioxide.  The balloon Trystan blew up was a lot squishier than the others. 
 I put the baking soda in all of the balloons before we started a funnel was the easiest way of getting the baking soda into the balloons. 
 Filling up the first balloon. Love the expression on their faces.
 As a side note with every balloon you fill up you have to change the vinegar. It only takes a little bit of vinegar and the more baking soda you add the more it fizzes.
 Love this sweet little girl. She had a blast with the balloons.
 Trystan decided to take our fun outside and see what would happen if we mixed the two in an open cup.
 This was his volcano and Taylee loved the fiz. He was disappointed that it didn't blow his guy out the top.